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The creative revolution of data and 3D & 4D printing will also be at Sitges Next

Domestic Data Streamers & The Fab City join the Festival’s lineup of presentations

Sitges Next 2017 is committed to a concept of innovation that encompasses a wide range of areas. Experts in the creative management of data and in 3D and 4D printing will be visiting the event to present their latest technological and artistic developments and join the confirmations already announced last week.

Presently, more information than ever is being generated and this data changes the human perception of the world. Domestic Data Streamers is a team of developers from Barcelona who turn infographics into infoexperiences. At Sitges Next, Pau Garcia, one of the founding partners, will explain how they manage to capture data based on interactive systems and experiences and will offer us new tools to understand and convert this information into a language that’s comprehensible for everyone.

With a background in digital media and interaction design, Domestic Data Streamers plays with the boundaries of art, science and sociology to approach the world of data from a more human focus. The team was founded in October 2013 and since then, they have created installations for different museums and institutions, both nationally and internationally, including the United Nations, Spotify or the California Academy of Sciences.

The new 3D and 4D printing technologies are in full swing and Sitges Next will be featuring one of the most innovative and creative projects in this field. Tomás Díez, director of The Fab City Research Laboratory and cofounder of The Fab Lab Barcelona at the IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia), will explain how these new technologies can change the consumer society model. Díez maintains that, at the present time, manufacturing is returning to its artisanal roots and the population is going from being a consumer to being a co-producer.

The Fab City is a world-wide project that aims to develop self-sustaining cities through local production, connected to each other on a global scale. It’s a project open to cities, towns or communities that wish to join together to collectively build a more human, inhabitable world.

In Barcelona, The Fab City accepts the challenge to introduce distributed production as an alternative to conventional production for the first time. The solutions built locally could have an enormous social and economic impact, like the appearance of a way out of unemployment and even a new model for the local economy.

These two new confirmations on Sitges Next 2017’s lineup join the previously announced ones of Edu Pou, from Here Be Dragons, and Stephane Scheyven, from Contagious Communications. Over the next few weeks, the organization will be announcing the complete lineup for the Festival, in its third year and to be held on May 5th and 6th.