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Sitges Next 2016 presents a lineup including the latest trends in communication

Famous professionals from the fields of advertising, technology applied to communication and creativity will be participating the Festival’s second year

The upcoming 29th and 30th of April, Sitges will become the meeting place for a sector that finds itself in constant and rapid evolution. Sitges Next, the Festival of innovation in communication and new media, arrives at its second year with a wide variety of proposals including different exhibitions, points of view and success stories in new tendencies in communication.

Sitges Next 2016 has been organized around eight conferences and two workshops, with top level guests. The presentation Innovation at the service of creativity will be featuring Google, as one of the leading international companies thanks to its constant innovation. Gema Núñez, a Creative Agency consultant at Google, will be presenting the company’s technological innovations at the service of advertising creativity.

The award winning agency Visyon 360, dedicated to interactive production and the generation of content through emerging technologies, will be offering the conference The power of new media, by Xavi Conesa, director of client services. It will be an interactive session where the technology the company works with will be made available to the public: augmented reality, virtual reality, wearables or 4D experiences.

The panel discussion The future of Branded Content will highlight the controversies of this emerging discipline, through a debate with professionals from different fields. Attending as a representative for the agencies will be Marc Ros, founder of a start-up accelerator, a Branded Content production company and the advertising agency. As regards media outlets, Carles Manteca, sales and marketing manager for the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (Catalan Corporation of Audiovisual Media will be attending. The panel discussion will be moderated by Sergi Nebot, director of the Control magazine, an advertising information benchmark.

Sitges Next will also be taking into account the more artistic side of communication. The conference When art and innovation merge, offered by the EspadaySantacruz studio, proposes a very dynamic session where one of its creators, Juan Santa-Cruz, will be showing some of their best known projects, their creative process and staging, a result of a continuous investigation of digital technology and storytelling.

Other trends and techniques from the heterogeneous world of communication, like viral advertising or neuromarketing will also have their own spaces at Sitges Next 2016, with the attendance of experts with renowned careers that the organization will be announcing over the next few days.

These activities are added to the previously announced ones: How to survive Big Data, with Juan de Dios Llamas, digital intelligence director at JWT, and the workshop Ethics as a competitive edge in advertising, with Gem Romero, director strategic planning at LOLA MullenLowe.

Sitges Next 2016 will also be giving awards for the most innovative works in communication. Seven categories make up the structure for the different segments: Innovation, Strategy and Creativity, Content, Data and Technology, New Media, What’s Next and Talent.

Sitges Next is organized by the Sitges Town Hall and has an advisory board made up of the Catalan Institute of Cultural Enterprises (ICEC), the Catalonian School of Publicists and Public Relations, the Advertising Business Association, Mobile World Capital and the Blanquerna Faculty at Ramon Llull University along with the Catalan Corporation of Audiovisual Media as an associate company.