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MAY 8-9 2025_ 



Sitges Next 2017 arrives with the most innovative proposals in communication

The event will bring together brands, advertising agencies, entrepreneurs, technological creators, digital artists and communicators

‘We are all explorers of the future’. With this slogan, Sitges Next, the festival of innovation in communication, will be kicking off this Friday, May 5th with a lineup exploring the new advertising languages between brands and the audience. The Next to Watch list will be the selection made by the Festival jury and it aspires to become a platform to present and display the most innovative pieces in communication.

On May 5 & 6, the Retiro movie theater in Sitges will be welcoming the third Sitges Next Festival, presenting a lineup with world renowned speakers. Edu Pou, from the leading virtual reality studio Here Be Dragons; the Alma DDB and Karmarama agencies, with Àlvar Suñol and Brian Williams respectively; the content platforms Contagious Communications and Behance/99U; digital artist Klaus Obermaier; the 3D and 4D printing project The Fab Lab; the sustainable fashion company Ecoalf; the revolutionary infoexperiences from Domestic Data Streamers, and the creative studio Hamill Industries will be the stars of the competition.

In addition, Sitges Next will be offering two workshops aimed at bringing the profession’s reality closer to those attending. The first will be on the freelance experience, offered by Emma Pueyo, and the second will be concerning creative innovation, conducted by Tomás Ferrándiz and Ximo Villalba, creative directors and professors at the Barcelona School of Creativity.

The names that make up the Sitges Next 2017 jury help to make the Festival an essential sector meeting place. They are Josep Maria Roca de Vinyals, Chief Creative Officer at DDB España; Edu Pou, Chief Creative Officer at Here Be Dragons –who will also be giving a presentation–; Belén Coca, freelance digital creative director; Augustin Robinne, Marketing Director at Pernod Ricard Spain; Diego González, Chief Creative Officer at OgilvyOne; Marta Caseny, Creative director at VCCP; Joost van Nispen, founder and Chairman of the ICEMD (The Institute of the Digital Economy of ESIC Business & Marketing School de Barcelona); Jordi Pi, executive producer of digital media for the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (Catalan Corporation of Audiovisual Media), and Enric Nel·lo, Chief Creative Officer ay Grey Spain.

Sitges Next will be held on May 5th and 6th, is organized by the Sitges Town Council and has an Advisory Board made up of the Catalonian Generalitat, the Col·legi de Publicitaris i Relacions Públiques, Mobile World Capital, the Blanquerna Faculty at Ramon Llull University and the Catalan Audiovisual Cluster.