SITGES NEXT 2024_              MAY 9-10 2024_          CASINO PRADO_SITGES. MAP

MAY 8-9 2025_ 



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Location: Mercat Vell, Sitges

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Thursday, November 11th

9.30am – 9:40am Opening Sitges Next 2021
By the Mayor of Sitges, Aurora Carbonell and
Xavi Duran, manager of Sitges Next

9:40am – 10:10am “Don’t Act, React”
Pablo Filomeno, co-fundador & CEO de Feeder

10:10am – 10:40am “Innovación Saludable”
Elvira ArzubialdeCEO at VMLYRx, WPP Health

10:40am – 11:10amRound Table Discussions PRODUCTION
“Sincronizando marcas y audiencias
Pablo García Acon, executive producer of Primo Content
Bep Moll, CEO Branded Mamma & CMO Elite Team
Ramon Arteman, director of Metropolitana of Muntatges
Xavi Tribó, co-owner & head of techonology of Glassworks Barcelona
Moderator: Sigfrid Mariné, Freelance Film Producer

11:10am – 11:30am coffee break

11:30am – 12:00pm Round Table Discussions TEACHING
“Advertising is changing, Ad Schools too”
David Tetilla, general manager DG Barcelona School Of Creativity
José Olivares, academic director of Madrid Content School
Santi Gantes, academic director of Brother
Rafa Gil, director creativo independiente & director académico en The Atomic Garden
Dan Peisajovich, founder of Complot Escuela de Creatividad
Moderator: Xavi Durán, director Sitges Next

12:00pm -12:30pm“Understanding what is happening in the world in just a couple of minutes
Daniela McArena, co-founder Ac2ality
Paula Muñoz, co-founder Ac2ality
María Murillo, co-founder Ac2ality

12:30pm – 1pm “Metaversos: la próxima gran revolución digital es inmersiva”
Oscar Peña, chief innovation & technology officer at Wunderman Thompson

1:00pm – 1:30pm “Collaborative, the true meaning of network”
Sunde Sastre, co-founder of Collage

1:30pm – 4pm pausa comida

4:10pm – 4:40pm Round Table Discussions BRANDED
“¿Por qué lo mejor está por venir?”
Pablo Muñoz, founder of Collage
Jose Olivares, director académico en Madrid Content School
Carles Ortet, founder Zoopa, The Smart Agency
Modera: Jordi Torrents, partner director of Collaborabrands

4:40pm – 5:10pm “Branding <3. Brandeando desde el cora”
Bruno Sellés, creative director & founder of Vasava

5:10pm – 5:40pm Round Table Discussions NEW JOURNALISM
“2022: El nuevo, nuevo periodismo”
Daniela McArena, Paula Muñoz and María Murillo, co-founders of Ac2ality
Anna Domènech, marketing manager of El Periódico
Santi Terraza, manager of the communication agency Hydra Media
Moderator: Javier Piedrahita, CEO & founder of

5:40pm – 6:10pm “New Thinking, key to restore the balance”
Olivia Walsh, new thinking officer of Apple Tree Communications

  6:10pm – 6:40pm Content is business”
José Olivares, director académico en Madrid Content School

6:40pm – 7:10h Round Table Discussions STRATEGY
“New audiences, new srategies
Victor Gutiérrez de Tena, CCO & President APG Spain
Raquel Espantaleón, head of strategic planning OF Sra. Rushmore
Olivia Walsh, new thinking officer OF Apple Tree Communications
Camil Roca, founder K1000, Comunicación Colaborativa
Moderator: Enric Nel·lo, curator of Sitges Next 2021

Networking session,
with Malvasia de Sitges wines

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Friday, November 12th

9:30am – 10am “Creativos vs Creadores”
Gil Blancafort, founder Vertically® and Wheelzzz®
Marga de Miguel, head of marketing comercial de AI of Things

10am – 10:30am Round Table Discussions AUTOMOTIVE
“Looking for a rich content experience
Joaquim Ramis, automotive marketing lead Shackleton
Sam Judez, director DDB España
Jordi Urbea, VP of Ogilvy
Daniel Rocafort, CEO of Visyon
Modera: Oscar Peña, chief innovation & technology officer at Wunderman Thompson

10:30am -11am Round Table Discussions ACTIVISM
“Activismo y propósitos, actitud o pose”
Marc Lite, founding partner of Firma
Jesús Revuelta, independent creative consultant
Jordi Barri, co-founder and CEO of Flax & Kale
Moderator: Sigfrid Mariné, Freelance Film Producer

11am – 11:20am coffee break

11:20am – 11:50am “New Money Only”
Albert Folch, creative director & founder partner of Folch
Rafa Martínez, COO & head of business & strategy partner

11:50pm – 12:20h Round Table Discussions INNOVATION
“Looking for a rich content experience
Gil Blancafort, Founder of Vertically® and Wheelzzz®
Óscar Peña, Chief Innovation & Technology Officer of Wunderman Thompson
Marga de Miguel, head of marketing comercial | AI of Things
Moderator: Xavi Tribó, co-owner & head of techonology en Glassworks Barcelona

12:20pm – 12:50pm “Nuevos sistemas creativos
Agustín Vivancos, founder & CEO de PS21

12:50pm – 1:20pm “Más mujeres creativas”
Helena Marzo, independent creative director
Eva Conesa, Partner & ECD. twoelf

1:20pm – 2pm Jose María Piera y Toni Segarra: una conversación privada”
Toni Segarra, founder Alegre Roca
Jose María Piera, CCO Wundermann Thompson
Modera: Enric Nel·lo, curator of Sitges Next 2021

2pm – 4pm Lunch break

4:10pm – 4:40pm “Good side of business
Eva Santos, CO chief creative officer & founder of Delirio & Twain

4:40pm – 5:20pm “Simplify Design
 Verònica Fuerte, founder & creative directress Hey

5:20pm-6pm Awards

Networking session,
with the Malvasia de Sitges wines, where we can learn about its history, its projection and its delicious powers

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Venue: Sitges Maricel Palace 

The Sitges Town Council’s Department of Economic Promotion, in collaboration with NODE Garraf, is organizing an Entrepreneurship Day for the local business community as part of the Sitges Next 2021 Festival

Sitges Maricel Palace’s Gold Rooms

12:00 Presentation by Xavier Verdaguer 
Xavier Verdaguer (Founder of TMT Factory, Integra Interactive, Innovalley, seven4seven, Imagine Creativity Center)

12:45 pm Q&A

01:00 pm Round Table
“How to Innovate in Communication to Help You Manage Your Business”

Xavier Verdaguer, founder of TMT Factory, Integra Interactive, Innovalley, seven4seven, Imagine Creativity Center
Maite Rivera, Head of online channels at Venca-Digital Lola Commerce
Jordi González, CEO at Venca
Pablo Filomeno, co-founder and CEO of Feeder
Alba Gràcia, coordinator of the Sitges Malvasia Interpretation Center
Albert Martínez, Director of Advertising and Digital Communication for RIU Hotels
Albert Soler, director of Mamma Team and president of APCP (Associació de Productores de Cinema Publicitàri)

01:45 pm Q&A

02:00 pm Sitges Malvasia tasting session

Possibility of visiting the Maricel Palace Terraces

All entrepreneurs from the Garraf region who want to attend the festival must register here
